Easy Tips for Eating Well

Easy Tips for Eating Well

One of the biggest obstacles to a healthy diet is food planning and preparation.   Most of my patients complain that they don't have time to cook healthily and eating well is hard. I think that we all feel that way sometimes, but creating...

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Easy Tips for Eating Well

Fussy eaters and the friendly dictatorship

When my daughter was three, she decided that she wasn’t eating fish for dinner.  No way.  Not.  One.  Bite.  I decided not to force the issue and reminded her that there was no other dinner option. it was fish, or nothing.  She agreed and...

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Easy Tips for Eating Well

Back to School 2020

By Dr. Nicole Meier, ND 2020 will go down in history as the most anxiety-provoking back to school experience in recent history.  Many parents are weighing the risks and benefits of a return to the classroom.  This is understandable and...

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Easy Tips for Eating Well

New Year’s Revelations

Like so many of you, I can get caught up in New Year's Resolutions that will never come to be. I actually have all of my New Year's Resolutions written down and I re-read them from time to time....

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Easy Tips for Eating Well

Halloween Hangover

Every year, without exception, my office is inundated with sick children after Halloween.    Not always immediately… sometimes the reaction is delayed for a few days while the sugar bomb impact fully manifests. It is possible that sugar...

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